CVJ Food Catering

CVJ Clubhouse in Marikina

Location: #50 Eagle St. New Marikina Subdivision Sta. Elena, Marikina City, Marikina City, Philippines

Last visited: June 2023

Remarks: An events place in Marikina. Food and service is nice, they have a decent toilet too.

CVJ Food Catering
CVJ Food Catering

CVJ Food Catering

What's in, what's not:

Tissue roll - ♥
Soap - ♥
Hand sanitizer/alcohol - X
Paper towels - ♥
Trash bins - ♥
Powder area - 
Sink -  ♥
Bidet -  ♥
Flush - 
Manual flushing (pail) - X

Overall Ratings: ★★

Philippines Public Toilet [], created by Green Dei (Daryll Villena) If you guys have tips on stinky toilets or grandeur toilets, write us at

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Disclosure:  Philippines Public Toilet does not receive monetary compensation and do not promote any of the places featured in this blog unless noted otherwise. All opinions are 100% my own. Some posts may contain web links in exchange for payment. In the event of a giveaway, the sponsor is responsible for delivery of the prize, unless otherwise noted in the posting. I only recommend, discuss, or introduce products/services/businesses I personally use and believe will be a good fit for my readers.
