Public Toilet: Liwasang Bonifacio

Liwasang Bonifacio

Philippine Public Toilet

Liwasang Bonifacio
Also known as Plaza Lawton
Manila  Philippines

Last visited on August, 2012

Remarks: I was in search for a direction going on a meet-up with group of enthusiastic people when I saw pedestrian stop-over all covered with roofing and manned by two civilian guards from side to side. I approached the lady civilian cum guard which turned out to be the janitor for female cubicles, as to where do I cross streets going to Manila Central Post Office (all my living years, I have not step foot to a national heritage that was soon to be relocated to a smaller shanty.) The lady was kind enough to point out tips on how to cross the bridge going to Plaza Lawton frontier. 

Ooops as she was talking, my eyes rolled and saw cubicles and vanity mirrors, I then asked her "do I have to pay or donate coins to get inside the comfort room?" Nah, just enter your curious ass eyes! she mumbles (the way I imagine myself, if I were to ask the same question).  You know what, I prepared myself smelling something un-enjoyable and icky floor upon entering, but to my surprise, the place was clean and no signs of stench from the flood (a week after the "Habagat" days). As clean as my anti-bacterial soup! Although there are invincible tissues and toilet bowl flush (you have to manually flush out with water dipper).  It's cleaner than the public paid toilets from the city malls (exaggerated I know!) But I give the management a thumbs up for the effort. 

What's in, what's not:
Tissue roll -  
Soap - 
Hand sanitizer - 
Paper towels - 
Trash bins - 
Powder area - 

Public Toilet: Liwasang Bonifacio  
